Russia operation in Ukraine 'will be unsustainable within three weeks'
Russia operation in Ukraine 'will be unsustainable within three weeks' from

The Background

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been ongoing for several years. However, in recent times, the situation has escalated, with Russia making significant advances in Ukraine. The conflict began in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea. Since then, the situation has been volatile, with Russia backing separatists in Eastern Ukraine.

The Current Situation

In 2023, the situation has worsened, with Russia making significant advances in the Donbass region. This region has been a hotbed of conflict since 2014, with separatists backed by Russia fighting against Ukrainian forces. However, in recent months, Russia has increased its military presence in the region, and there have been reports of Russian troops crossing the border into Ukraine.

The Impact

The advances made by Russia have had a significant impact on the region. The conflict has resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people, with many fleeing their homes in search of safety. The conflict has also had economic consequences, with many businesses in the affected areas forced to close.

The Reasons Behind the Advances

There are several reasons behind Russia’s advances in Ukraine. One of the main reasons is Russia’s desire to expand its influence in the region. Ukraine has historically been a buffer zone between Russia and the West, and Russia sees Ukraine as a country that should be within its sphere of influence. Another reason is the desire to protect the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine. Many people in Eastern Ukraine speak Russian and identify more with Russia than with Ukraine. Russia sees it as its duty to protect these people and has used this as a justification for its actions.

The International Response

The international community has been critical of Russia’s actions in Ukraine. The United States and European Union have imposed sanctions on Russia, and there have been calls for Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine. However, Russia has continued to ignore these calls, and the situation remains volatile.

The Future

The future of the conflict remains uncertain. It is possible that the conflict could escalate further, with Russia making more advances in Ukraine. However, it is also possible that the conflict could be resolved through diplomatic means, with Russia withdrawing its troops from Ukraine and the two countries reaching a peaceful resolution.


The conflict between Russia and Ukraine remains a significant issue in the international community. Russia’s advances in Ukraine have had a significant impact on the region, and the situation remains volatile. The international community must continue to call on Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine and work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict.