Ukrainian crisis Situation map The Washington Post
Ukrainian crisis Situation map The Washington Post from


The political conflict between Ukraine and Russia has been ongoing for years. One of the main points of contention is the border between the two countries, which has been a subject of dispute since the collapse of the Soviet Union. In recent years, the controversy has centered around a specific map that has been the subject of much debate.

The Map

The controversial map is one that shows the border between Ukraine and Russia. The map is controversial because it is not recognized by the Ukrainian government, which claims that it is inaccurate and that it doesn’t reflect the true border between the two countries.

The map shows a border that includes Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine that are currently under Russian control. This is disputed by Ukraine, which claims that these territories are still part of their country and that Russia has illegally annexed them.

The History

The history of the dispute goes back to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. At that time, Ukraine became an independent country, and the border between Ukraine and Russia was established. However, there were several territories that were in dispute, including Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine.

In 2014, Russia annexed Crimea, which was a major turning point in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Since then, there have been ongoing battles between Ukrainian and Russian forces in eastern Ukraine, and the issue of the border remains a major point of contention.

The Debate

The debate around the map centers around whether or not it accurately reflects the true border between Ukraine and Russia. Supporters of the map say that it is a fair representation of the current situation on the ground, and that it reflects the reality of the situation in Crimea and eastern Ukraine.

Opponents of the map say that it is inaccurate and that it doesn’t reflect the true border between the two countries. They argue that the territories in dispute are still part of Ukraine, and that Russia has illegally annexed them.

The Importance

The map is important because it reflects the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, and it highlights the issue of the border between the two countries. The map is also important because it is a symbol of the ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia, and it is a reminder of the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine.

The Future

The future of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia is uncertain, but it is clear that the issue of the border will continue to be a major point of contention. The controversial map will likely continue to be a subject of debate, and it will remain a symbol of the ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia.


The map of Ukraine and Russia is a controversial issue that highlights the ongoing conflict between the two countries. The border between Ukraine and Russia is a major point of contention, and the controversial map is a symbol of the ongoing tensions. The future of the conflict is uncertain, but it is clear that the issue of the border will continue to be a major point of debate.