INFOGRAPHIC How the US Population Fits into China
INFOGRAPHIC How the US Population Fits into China from


In the last decade, China’s rise as a global superpower has been one of the most significant geopolitical developments. With its economic prowess, technological advancements, and military might, China has been challenging the dominance of the United States on the world stage. One of the latest developments in this power struggle is the emergence of the “map of China over US,” a visual representation of how China is positioning itself as a global leader. In this blog post, we will explore what this map means and what it says about the changing world order.

What is the Map of China Over US?

The map of China over US is a visualization that superimposes the shape of China over the map of the United States. The map shows how China’s landmass is roughly the same size as the contiguous United States, which highlights China’s size and population. The map has been used by Chinese media and officials to symbolize China’s growing power and influence on the world stage.

Implications of the Map

The map of China over US has several implications. Firstly, it highlights China’s ambition to become a global superpower and challenge the United States’ dominance. The map is a visual representation of China’s growing economic, military, and technological power, which it sees as a challenge to the United States’ hegemony. Secondly, the map is a reminder of the changing world order. For the last century, the United States has been the dominant global power, but China’s rise is challenging that status quo. The map represents a shift in power from west to east, with China emerging as a formidable challenger to the United States.

The Rise of China

China’s Economic Power

China’s economic rise has been one of the most significant drivers of its global influence. In the last few decades, China’s economy has grown at an unprecedented rate, making it the world’s second-largest economy after the United States. China’s economic power has given it the resources to invest in infrastructure, technology, and military capabilities, all of which have contributed to its rise as a global superpower.

China’s Military Might

China’s military capabilities have also been instrumental in its rise as a global power. China has invested heavily in its military, developing advanced weapons systems, including stealth fighters, aircraft carriers, and ballistic missiles. China’s military is now the largest in the world, and it has been flexing its muscles in the South China Sea and other regions, challenging the United States’ military dominance in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Future of the World Order

China’s Ambitions

China’s rise as a global power has significant implications for the future of the world order. China’s leaders have made it clear that they intend to challenge the United States’ dominance and become the world’s leading superpower. China’s ambitions have led to increasing tensions between the two countries, with the United States viewing China’s rise as a threat to its global hegemony.

The United States’ Response

The United States has responded to China’s rise with a policy of “containment” aimed at limiting China’s influence. The United States has been building alliances and partnerships in the Asia-Pacific region to counter China’s growing power. The United States has also been imposing sanctions on China and restricting its access to advanced technology and critical resources.


In conclusion, the map of China over US is a symbol of China’s growing power and influence on the world stage. China’s rise as a global superpower is challenging the United States’ dominance and the existing world order. The future of the world order will be shaped by how these two powers navigate their relationship and compete for global influence.