Best Way To Iterate A Map In Java Just For Guide
Best Way To Iterate A Map In Java Just For Guide from


If you are a Java developer, you must be familiar with the Map interface in Java. It is used to store key-value pairs and is implemented by various classes like HashMap, TreeMap, and LinkedHashMap. While working with Map, sometimes we need to iterate over the Map to perform some operation on each key-value pair. In such cases, we can use the Iterator interface in Java to traverse the Map. In this article, we will learn how to make an Iterator for a Map in Java.

Step 1: Creating a Map

Before we start creating an Iterator for a Map, let’s create a Map first. For this demonstration, we will use the HashMap class which implements the Map interface. We will create a Map to store the names and ages of some people.

HashMap personMap = new HashMap<>();
personMap.put(“John”, 25);
personMap.put(“Emily”, 30);
personMap.put(“David”, 28);
personMap.put(“Sarah”, 35);

Step 2: Getting the Iterator

Now that we have our Map ready, we can get an Iterator object to traverse it. We can use the entrySet() method of the Map interface to get a Set of Map.Entry objects, and then use the iterator() method of the Set interface to get an Iterator object.

Iterator> iterator = personMap.entrySet().iterator();

Step 3: Using the Iterator

Once we have the Iterator object, we can use its hasNext() and next() methods to traverse the Map. The hasNext() method returns true if there are more elements in the Map, and the next() method returns the next key-value pair in the Map.

while (iterator.hasNext()) {
  Map.Entry entry =;
  String name = entry.getKey();
  int age = entry.getValue();
  System.out.println(name + ” is ” + age + ” years old.”);

Step 4: Complete Code

Here is the complete code to create an Iterator for a Map in Java:

HashMap personMap = new HashMap<>();
personMap.put(“John”, 25);
personMap.put(“Emily”, 30);
personMap.put(“David”, 28);
personMap.put(“Sarah”, 35);
Iterator> iterator = personMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
  Map.Entry entry =;
  String name = entry.getKey();
  int age = entry.getValue();
  System.out.println(name + ” is ” + age + ” years old.”);


In this article, we learned how to create an Iterator for a Map in Java. We first created a Map using the HashMap class, then obtained an Iterator object using the entrySet() method of the Map interface, and finally used the hasNext() and next() methods of the Iterator interface to traverse the Map. We hope this article will help you in your Java development journey.